How your legacy ERP is holding back your business from growing

Integrating all the business processes to a single platform to address the rising needs of automation is imperative for modern businesses. Having a reliable technology or solution that caters to the complex business needs is what will enable organizations to be better placed in the connected and digital world.
Ironically, most of the manufacturers do not see the benefit of replacing their old ERP. They think, if it is not broken, why fix? Well, the problem with old and legacy ERP is that they are unable to keep up with the growing business needs, changing scenarios and the complexity that modern day business brings, causing slow response, inadequacy and inefficient operations there by hampering the company’s growth.
Moreover, an obsolete ERP system will not complement with other systems or applications that are running in the company making the rest of the data isolated and inconsistent, processes to break and workflows to stall.
Let us deep dive into some of the reasons how legacy ERP systems can affect your business and why it is important to modernize the systems or move to newer and better solution.
1. Incompatible Technology:
Legacy ERP was probably built to suit the then requirements of business and therefore may not work seamlessly with modern day workloads. Companies may update the system here and there to keep up with the changes, but it only adds to complexities making the system more isolate and inconsistent. It also requires a lot of efforts and add up to costs in a long run. Maintaining such complex system would be a separate challenge altogether.
Today, the way customers, vendors and employees engage and interact with companies have changed. There are multiple touch points like social media, apps and devices at their disposal and if your legacy ERP is not able to talk to these touchpoints then you are missing opportunities for growth.
An ERP that is flexible and adaptable to the modern-day user and which caters to your changing business needs is what you need.
2. Inability to Scale up:
The ERP which was once suited for your small operations is now struggling to keep up with the growing business demands. This can not only drain time, money and resources but can also hamper your day-to-day operations. Moreover, legacy ERP systems run in silos, and lack the ability to integrate with other systems in the company’s ecosystem, this restricts companies to expand their operations as the business grows.
3. People Dependant:
During the course of business, modifications are made in the legacy system and knowledge about the system resides with a few select people within the company making them critical. The business depends on those few people as they know the in and outs of the system. What if they leave? Or they are ill?
Technology should be accessible and clear. A 20-year-old system with one key administrator is not conducive to transparency and visibility of the overall business.
4. Zero Regulatory Compliance:
During the course of business, modifications are made in the legacy system and knowledge about the system resides with a few select people within the company making them critical. The business depends on those few people as they know the in and outs of the system. What if they leave? Or they are ill?
5. Security Risk:
What seemed secure a few years ago is no longer reliable. Legacy systems are prone to malware and security breaches. Updating any new security patches to legacy systems could be extremely tough, on the other hand No updates make them non-compliant with the latest security standards. Such setbacks and lack of cybersecurity readiness of any business system can lead to data and revenue losses.

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